Multimedia :: XMMS AAC Plugin?
I'm a linux newbie. That means talk slow and avoid using big words, ok?
I'm using DSL on an HD Install.
I'm trying to find either a plugin for XMMS or maybe just a whole other player that can load and play AAC files... don't ask me why. ;)
So far, I've found this plugin for XMMS:
First of all, I hate compiling things. I've never ever EVER gotten anything to work for me, ever. So if we can avoid doing it this way, that would be great... otherwise, I'm going to need explicit instructions... where do I put the files, how do I run them, etc.
If someone out there could just help me out with this I'd be really happy. Thanks!
Try the codecpack.dsl in the repository.
Don't remember what section.
I got it, but I don't think it helped, thanks anyways. If someone could just give me a step-by-step on how to compile this plugin and what I need to get it running I think that would solve everything.
Compiling requires that you install the build tools in DSL ... then requires a learning curve if you have never done it before.
Much easier to install deb packages already compiled by someone else.
First restore DSL's dpkg structure, then from download and install these -
xmms-mp4plugin_0.0.20050213-0.0_i386.deb (this is the Frederic Frondriest plugin)
Beware, this libfaad library may conflict with MPlayer's libfaad library.
There are two other audio players that will play mp4/AAC, Lamip and BeepMediaPlayer, but they both require GTK2.
I've been playing with these exact packages myself,
I found that there is a dependency version conflict where
the libfaad2 requires higher version number of libc6.
I forced it with dpkg --force-depends -i <packagename.deb>
Then the mp4 plugin goes in fine.
Please note-
This was done on a Frugal install.
Do not do this on a HD install.
Only try this on a Frugal or Live CD install.
I rendered a small .aac stream in XMMS, I don't have any large
Later in the console I notice AAC decoder error messages,
possibly because of the libc6 conflict.
You may have a different result to mine, you would need to try it
and see.
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