Multimedia :: flash text box problem

I have a problem.  I'm trying to create a new flash game, and I wanted to use dsl as my base developement system.  I remastered the dsl disk, adding all of the compilers and libraries I needed.  I also added in GTK2 and gsfonts and gsfonts-X11.  All of this was done using apt-get from Debian.  I finally got all that to work and I'm happy enough.

My problem is that when I installed the flash player from Macromedia, it works except text entry boxes show no text in them!  This has nothing to do with me or my programing since I've looked at a variety of sites and seen the same thing.  For example this example should work.  In Windows it works fine, but in DSL you can see that it doesn't.

Has anyone else seen this or can think of a way to fix it?  I want to start programing using the ming library and python, but if DSL doesn't work I'll give up before I waste too much of my time with it.

Your linux box apparently doesn't have the font(s) used in the flash game text boxes. Possible solutions:
1) save font outlines with the text boxes
2) use a generic _serif or _sans font for the boxes

If neither of these work, I'm not sure what to do.  I can tell you it's not a problem with the flash player itself, since the same player works with your example in another distro.

Knowing that the flash player isn't to blame but that the fault is in DSL is a big help.  At least I can try other distros and see.  Was the other distro a live CD?  I like being able to not change anything on my machine if I can help it.

I tried installing xfs, gsfonts, gsfonts-X11, xfonts-scalable, and xfonts-100dpi for good measure but the problem is still there.  When I tried to install xutils (which I assume has been stripped down) the remaster I made couldn't find startx.

I'm able to remaster, my current CD is up to 260 Megs, what I need is to get the fonts working.  Has anyone else remastered to add fonts or to upgrade xutils?

My guess is a Flash movie created in Windows would be using mainly truetype or type1 fonts. The distro i tested with is suse, with many freetype fonts installed (including fonts copied from a Windows system).
You need to embed your fonts in the flash file if they are non-generic.  There are generic windoze fonts that will be there on every windoze machine, but NOT under DSL, so flash will either attempt to subsitute a different font or simply not display anything at all.  So as mikshaw said, unless it's generic _sans or _serif, or possibly arial et al., then you need to include the font.
In MX2004, and I'm pretty sure it's roughly the same for previous versions, I believe your text boxes need to be set to dynamic or input, rather than static, then you'll get a "character" option from which to embed your font.  To save space, you can include only the letters/characters you need, specify only uppercase or lowercase letters, etc...

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