Multimedia :: Sound Problems

Hi, after i have installed DSL on a HD, i have succesfully boot up and run several aplications from the hd even Internet runs grate.
But i have problems to hear mp3. The problem happends when i open XMSS and press the play button, clicks appear on the song randomly. I have try to increasse the buffer and reduce it but problem remains the same. I have try with 2 diferent ISA sound Cards the first one a Magia SAmba PNP ESS audio Drive
and next i removed that card and try with a Creative AWE I know both cards work couse i have tested them on MPXplay running under DR-DOS  wich was the system i used to have before swiching to DSL. ,a few days ago i tested them on a Win98 system just in case, so the cards are fine.
Do you think it could be that i don't have enough ram or processor to run xmss?
My system is an old AMD K5 100Mhz, 2 GB Samsung HD, 56Kb US Robotics ISA modem, 16 MB RAM 72 pinns SIMM, unknown motherboard with ALI M1461 chipset and a pioneer CD/DVD unit.
I have one 400 MB system partition ( aprox 100 Mb free space), a 500MB swap partition, another partition with rest space free.

Try this.

Open an xterminal window and type:

sudo xmms &


Then Right-click on the XMMS Window and choose Options -> Preferences

Then click on the "Options" tab and enable this checkbox:

"Use Realtime priority when available"

and then click on the "Apply" button and then the "OK" button.

It didnīt work, but thanks anyway

original here.