Multimedia :: cd burning apps

is there any cd burning apps for dsl. i need to burn my iso images using dsl but CD Burn Apps seems not to work. what apps u all use to burn iso images using this dsl.
try gcombust, gnome toaster, or k3b.
You can use those apps or just open a shell as root and do

cdrecord -scanbus

to see where your burner is located like 0,0,0. After that just type

cdrecod dev=0,0,0 /paht/to/iso.iso

Not a pretty GUI but a really quick way to burn an iso


tq guys for the follow-up.

downloaded the gtoasters from the mydsl ext panel. :)

and what i love about tis distro is keep it simple and light. tq clivesay for that cmd.
it really damn fast to burn my iso image[s].


You CAN burn an ISO from within the "CD Burn App" AKA CDW

Just change the location of your temporary ISO file.  Change it to the location of your ready-to-go ISO file and then burn it.

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