Multimedia :: mini-ITX + video + DSL ?

Hello from France
I'm very interesting in DSL, because I saw it run for my motherboard :
EPIA mini-ITX ESP 5000
Since 3 years I'm using Mandrake (rpm), but I thought my computer wasn't made to display videos. Someone tolds me, it's because the drivers of the mini-ITX 5000 wasn't made to do this.

So have you experienced some software as VLC or Xine, etc. on this machine with DSL.

Thank you a lot for your job.


Your machine should perfectly display videos. You can try the live cd and check if XMMS can play them or download as well the xine My DSL extension and check it.
thank you :)
You might also try mplayer.dsl. From what I understand, it supports more video formats.
computering is very strange thing.
Your answer made me doubt about the incapacity of my motherboard to read DivX. So last night, with my Mandriva, I've tested Kaffeine ...
And it works.
Because Linux became more and more easier, sure it's the best OS.
But don't worry, I'll try DSL, it seems very nice for my configuration.
Thank you a lot.


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