Multimedia :: Edna is Up & Running!

I would like to turn an old computer into an mp3 server. Once it is configured, I would like to use it without a keyboard, mouse, or monitor attached (only eithernet connection). I don't anticipate any problems getting it configured to start-up and run edna automatically at boot (I intend to do a frugal install). Here's what I don't know how to do:

1.  I would like to be able to upload mp3's over my LAN (local area network) to the mp3 server. Is it possible to set up an open FTP connection on the mp3 server? Is this the right / best way? (please take question 3 below into account)

2.  I would like the mp3 server to automatically rip & encode any audio cd that I place in it's cdrom (then spit it out when finished).  With this comes the need to edit the idtags (artist,album,song title) via the network.

3.  Eventually, I would like to be able to access the mp3 server (securely) over the internet.  (before I do this step, my other project is learning more about security. DMZ etc.)

Okay, I know it's a lot. But I've been in the forms learning. My DSL 'skills' are growing. I would appreciate any help, or just point me in the general direction.

1. Samba. I think you can allow some ip addresses and deny the rest.
You can also have an user/password combination on shares dirs. (If it is the same as the user you use on XP/w2k no extra login needed..)

2 I do not know.

3 SSH server with sftp....... Allowing only ssh port to listen to the outside...

If no other firewall between dsl and big bad inet. I would use a firewall. If hardware router, only forward ssh port...

Ssh has an sftp addon. This is default on I think.. So you can ftp files with an SFTP client (Putty:psftp for example)!



1.  All boxes will be running DSL :D  I know there is a Samba client (smb client) in DSL, I'll check the repository for a Samba server.  However, is this the best way considering only DSL boxes will be involved? I thought Samba was for sharing between 'the good guys'(dsl) and 'the bad guys'(m$ft).

2 :(

3 I'm running coyote linux (floppy) as my router/firewall, sharing a dialup connection. I remember seeing something about ports, or port forwarding... am I close? Is coyoteLinux an SSH server with sftp?

Will BetaFTP work for question #1

On the mp3 server (I assume it's running DSL) .  Right click the desktop for the menu then....System....Daemons.....FTPd.....betaftpd start.

That should start your FTP server.  

BetaFTP is a pretty wide open server. I don't think I would use it to allow access from outside you LAN. If you want access from the wild wonderful world wide web look for something with more security.

On another DSL machine you can use axyFTP to gain access.  Search the forum or my blogs for more info.

Good luck

Samba is not specifically for sharing between Windows$ and Linux, but it can be used to do so.  Samba is used for sharing directories and mounting them.  Actually, if you wished, you could block Window$ machines from accessing your box if you set encrypt passwords = no.  You can also set only certain IPs to see you on the network with the hosts allow line in your smb.conf.  

I would recommend using samba for your shares.  If you need help setting it up, let us know.


Samba.dsl is a client (LinNeighborhood) and server (Samba).  So it is all you should need.

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