Multimedia :: Sound EPIA 5000

I have been searching all over the place for this answer...i have an EPIA 5000 board, and everything works except for the sound.  I am using the latest DSL.  Can anyone give me any ideas on how to fix the sound problem?

I have an EPIA 5000 fanless I use in my Jeep for my MP3 server.
It has no issues with sound on it whatsoever..

Have you enabled onboard sound in your bios?

Do you see the wmix mixer icon in the lower right corner of your desktop?

Does xmms try to play an mp3, or does it give you errors?

Let us know..


ok, i litterally boot into DSL, and it shows a volume knob in the bottom right of the screen, and that knob can be adjusted.  The problem is, when i open XMMS to play a CD, internet stream, or anything for that matter i don't hear a thing.  i turn my speakers up, and the master volume (by the knob i described above) and still no sound.  XMMS says it is playing but i don't hear a thing.  

i have tried another OS, as i have said and it works.  As far as checking the bios, i will definitly check that out, but if it is off, why would DSL see it being there?

Thanks for the help, i hope to hear back.

ok, i litterally boot into DSL, and it shows a volume knob in the bottom right of the screen, and that knob can be adjusted.  The problem is, when i open XMMS to play a CD, internet stream, or anything for that matter i don't hear a thing.  i turn my speakers up, and the master volume (by the knob i described above) and still no sound.  XMMS says it is playing but i don't hear a thing.  

i have tried another OS, as i have said and it works.  As far as checking the bios, i will definitly check that out, but if it is off, why would DSL see it being there?

Thanks for the help, i hope to hear back.

The sound seems to be working fine.  This has to be something simple like your speakers being plugged into the wrong jack, a bad cable, or the like.  Double check the wiring and make sure the speakers are powered.  Also, plug the speakers into a radio headphone jack and see if they work.  If everything checks out and there is still no sound there could be a cold soldier joint on the board.  Hopefully something just got overlooked on the wiring.
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