Multimedia :: XMMS n-bandwidth Streams

Hey anyone try to get XMMS to play streams:

DSL --> Apps --> sound/MPEG/VoIP/XMMS/Download High Bandwidth Mp3 Streams

XMMS appears to pre-cache them, but never why?
I searched for this topic and nothing came up...if something is there, please forgive.  I'm a hugeass newbie to Damn Small Linux.

Sorry guys, I guess some work and some don't :(
anyway, problem solved...please disregard

I found on the forum that in XMMS Option / Preferences / Audio I/O Plugins / MPEG Layer 1/2/3... / Configure / Streaming / Enable SHOUT... has to be ticked.

I can listen to Chillout again :)

By the way, the streams don't work because the page redirects to some Spanish religious site called

original here.