Multimedia :: FLAC support with DSL?
Hey out there... Does anybody have information on FLAC plugins for DSL audio apps? I'd prefer XMMS support but would make do with just about anything... Thanks for the help.
Get the codecpack.dsl, foo
J.P., Sounds like this is what I need but when I try to download from the "DSL download extention panel" I get the following error:
"Non DSL User error"
Haven't seen that before... Andy idea what is wrong? I'm certainly a DSL user... not trying to load things into Ubuntu or RH or anything....
What that means is that you're trying to install a mydsl package as a user other than "dsl". The mydsl system was built for this user, and does not work fully as another user. Also it can break file ownerships if used as root.
If you got this error it means that the file was downloaded and it attempted to install, so it should still be in /tmp. Log in as user dsl and then use the command "mydsl-load /tmp/codecpack.dsl" to install it.
OK, fixed the download issue by logging in as dsl and the package was installed fine. Thanks for the help.
Now the only issue is how do I get an application to play my FLAC files... XMMS still won't play them. Do I have to enable something in XMMS or do I need to use another player?
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