Multimedia :: no sound (what else is new?)
I'm a refugee from Feather Linux. Installed it on my HD, had sound, then had big problems installing a favorite app (Amarok). I wasted a whole week of evenings learning my way around fluxbox and the Feather way of doing things. So here I am with DSL on my HD. Looks good but no sound! I have an old HP with 512 mb of memory with a rather new creative labs sb audigy (rev4) sound card.
I went through the install of alsa and have tried lots of different configurations of xmms - and I've spent an evening looking through these forums for a solution - to no avail. Frankly I'm ready to give up and go with Ubuntu or some other "easy" but bloated distro.
Can anyone out there help?
I'm not a Linux genius by the way.
You might try the DSL 2.0RC1 just for kicks. It has a newer kernel that might contain the drivers for your card. However, you also might have an IRQ conflict.
I would not ever characterize learning something as time wasted, by-the-way.
Open a terminal and at the command prompt type lsmod to see if the SB driver is in the list. Then you may need to modprobe the driver.
Thanks doobit for the suggestion. Last night I installed DSL 2.0RC1. It didn't detect the sound card.
Another distribution - the live CD version of PCLinuxOS - on the same machine detected the sound card and produced sound. Do you thnk that would rule out the possibility of there being a IRQ conflict?
Not necessarily. It depends on what the OS assigns to where when it boots up.
You didn't say what you have tried so far, but another option is to load up the alsa drivers that are available using the myDSL control panel. You have to follow the info pages carefully. Here is a link to a discussion on that:
And there are other discussions on alsa drivers as well. Look at all of them. Your solution is out there.
Try booting your PCLinuxOS and then open a terminal window and type:
and write down the names of the modules that are loaded.
Or better yet, type:
lspci -v
to learn about your pci devices.
Then report this information and maybe it is possible to manually load the same modules while using DSL instead of PCLinuxOS
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