Multimedia :: XMMS with WMA?

AMD K-6 400MHz

Is anyone aware of a way to play WMA audio files using XMMS in DSL?  I am pretty sure I have found "xmms-wma" plugins in other distros, including Debian-based ones.

I would prefer to use XMMS if possible, instead of Xine which pushes my system so hard I get a few pops during play-back.

MPlayer is out (see CPU above...)


Okay - I get it.  It's a HD install (forgot to mention), so safest to bag the .dsl route and go with package management.  Either enable apt and use Synaptic, or go with dpkg and .deb.

I found xmms_1.2.10*.deb and xmms-wma*.deb at and rarewares respectively. Xmms sucessfully updated the xmms_1.2.8 that comes with DSL 2.0 RC-1.  The xmms-wma errored out with dependency problems, but before heading down that road I checked the updated xmms and a wma plugin was enabled and working.

Hope this helps someone else.  I'm not as high on Xine as many are, mainly 'cause I just want to play audio.  So Xmms is easier, faster and preferable.

I had a little trouble when I moved to the final DSL 2.0 release, but all is good now.  Here is what I did.

1) Install DSL 2.0 to HD using the GUI.
2) Install dpkg either by "enable-apt" from the GUI menus, or by downloading dsl-dpkg.dsl, renaming it dpkg.tar.gz, and extracting under /.
3) Get xmms_1.2.10+cvs20050209-2_i386.deb from the STABLE package directory at (I had trouble with the slightly newer version in the "unstable" directory.)
4) dpkg -i xmms_1.2.10+cvs20050209-2_i386.deb
5) dpkg -i xmms-wma_1.0.5-0.0_i386.deb (I got this from  It errored out for me due to dependencies, but I nevertheless have a working wma plugin.

original here.