Multimedia :: No sound!!

To install the dsl:
-  login as "dsl"
-open a terminal window,
-cd to "/home/dsl",
-type "mydsl-load Alsa.dsl"

From there I'm not sure, but in my case when I got the right sound support enabled (totally different machine and method), after I rebooted there was a sound mixer panel available in the extended desktop that was not there before.

As a further update for anyone else who comes across this thread, ALSA is available for DSL 2  in the multimedia section of the MyDSL repository, and is no longer in the testing section.

ALSA for DSL0.8-1.5 is still in the system section and is called alsadebs.dsl

Cheers and beers,

Thanks, but the alsa.dsl didnt work for some reason. I might wipe the drive and start fresh in case I messed with something I sould'nt have.
Steps I found useful for setting up ALSA with an i810 device under DSL 2.0:

1.  Verify that your card is detected during the bootup.
2.  VERY IMPORTANT!!  Use the 'dsl alsa' boot option at the boot prompt (see Note B below).
3.  Using MyDSL, get the alsa.dsl package (in MyDSL->Multimedia).
4.  Verify that alsa is installed-Right-click on the desktop and select MyDSL.  Verify that 'Alsa Config' is there, but DO NOT run it yet.
5.  Using MyDSL, get the gnu-utils.dsl package (in MyDSL->System).
6.  Run 'Alsa Config' under MyDSL.
7.  In the terminal app, choose the defaults.  Once you are finished, it will close automatically.
8.  Verify sound using xMMs.  Pressing the play button should automatically link xMMs to SKY.FM Classical.

A.  If you don't see that the sound device is detected (autoconf doesn't load 'i810_audio'), this post isn't for you.  This device needs to be found before you can use sound and autodetect is having a problem finding it...possibly check BIOS to see that it's enabled.
B.  You must use the 'dsl alsa' boot option.  Alsa won't work if you don't use it (verified my me!).  Also, This step is important because 'alsa' isn't listed on the option screen after you press 'F2' and it won't be obvious that it's available as a boot option.
C.  For some reason, I needed to download the alsa.dsl package before downloading the gnu-utils.dsl package to make this work.  If I downloaded the gnu-utils first, I would get a 'Download or Checksum error' after I downloaded the 'alsa.dsl' package.  You can also download the alsa.dsl package using the package list, wget, and emelfm as outlined in the PDF doc that explains how to get other packages from the web.
D.  I suggest not to use the alsadebs.dsl package in MyDSL->System because I couldn't get it to work and I stopped trying when I found the alsa.dsl package in MyDSL-Multimedia.  Also, you need to download dsl-dpkg.dsl to use it and I think the alsa.dsl in Multimedia is newer.  It really shouldn't matter because some may need to download dsl-dpkg.dsl anyway, but if you don't use this package or don't know if you're going to use it and you don't download it, the method outlined above will get sound working on your system faster.
E.  If anyone knows why there is an error when downloading the alsa.dsl package after downloading gnu-utils, please post.  I don't think this should be happening and it isn't obvious why it does.  If you know of a link or post already explaining this, please post a link to it.
F.  The method listed above may work for other devices other than the i810 sound device.  If you get your sound device to work using this method, please post your results.
H.  I did not need to use modprobe or change any IRQ settings.  You may need to do this if still don't have any sound.  I have seen other threads that explain how to do this.  Also, I don't know that much about Alsa, but the Alsa Config may make these changes for you.

I have used DSL 1.4 and 1.5 on another machine and it worked great!  The sound worked for it, but I was using a VIA-based chipset and Autoconfigure detected the VIA82xxx_audio device.  I did not need to use the method listed above to get sound working.  I popped in the CD, let the system boot up and I was off and running.  I have not tried using DSL 2.0 with this system yet and I don't know if I need to use Alsa with it.  Judging by the amout of posts (very little) I've seen throughout my research to get this sound device running, I don't think there will be a problem.  If I do have to install Alsa to get the VIA audio device running, I'll post my results.

Anyway, I hope this helps some of those first trying out DSL 2.0.  Remember, post your results if you get it to work.

1.  Verify that your card is detected during the bootup.
2.  VERY IMPORTANT!!  Use the 'dsl alsa' boot option at the boot prompt (see Note B below).
3.  Using MyDSL, get the alsa.dsl package (in MyDSL->Multimedia).
4.  Verify that alsa is installed-Right-click on the desktop and select MyDSL.  Verify that 'Alsa Config' is there, but DO NOT run it yet.
5.  Using MyDSL, get the gnu-utils.dsl package (in MyDSL->System).
6.  Run 'Alsa Config' under MyDSL.
7.  In the terminal app, choose the defaults.  Once you are finished, it will close automatically.
8.  Verify sound using xMMs.  Pressing the play button should automatically link xMMs to SKY.FM Classical

I did all this, but got stuck at #7 (the terminal app didnt run)........but now that you said THIS:
A.  If you don't see that the sound device is detected (autoconf doesn't load 'i810_audio'), this post isn't for you.  This device needs to be found before you can use sound and autodetect is having a problem finding it...possibly check BIOS to see that it's enabled.

I see that it isn't auto-detecting the sound. Crap. I know audio is enabled in the bios......checked that before.
Not sure where to go from here..........I could use this with no sound, but I dont know if I want to. I'd hate to put Windows back.

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