Networking :: Samba Server
Can anyone explain how to install and configure the samba server, so i can view shares from a windows client?
I downloaded the samba.dsl which gives me the LinNeighborhood, but this seems only to make windows-shares available to linux, or am i missing something?
I found the smb.conf file which talks about behaviour as a server and configuration of changes, but how do i "activate" the configuration?
Until now i only used Suse Linux, there i could do a /etc/init.d/smb (re)start, but i do not find anything comparable under DSL...
Please give me some help... thanks...
Assuming you configured you smb.conf correctly you can start it up with
smbd start
nmbd start
There are other options that can be used but I just use these.
You can stop with smbd stop and nmbd stop also there is a restart
Ohh, that was easy :-)
I expected smbd/nmbd to be scripts in /etc/init.d, so i didn't look further after i did not find them there...
Thanks again, samba works now!
I am having the same original problem as nleibherr was having; not being able to get the samba server to work so that windows machines could see the drives on the DSL computer. I am still having some issues though.
I have a frugal install and found smbd located at:
nmbd is in the same folder. I put the full path in the .xinitrc file like this (before the fluxbox calls):
/ramdisk/usr/sbin/smbd start &
/ramdisk/usr/sbin/nmbd start &
However, after rebooting and looking at the services running using the TOP command, I see no evidence of any samba stuff running and I can't see this computers drive information from other computers.
So, do you think there is a problem in how I am making the call to smbd or nmbd or is there something missing in the smb.conf file?
After looking at the file .xinitrc, I noticed that the line that starts with dillo uses full addresses which do not include the "/ramdisk" beginning. I would try modifying your .xinitrc entry to look like this:
/usr/sbin/smbd start &
/usr/sbin/nmbd start &
Hopefully that will solve your startup problem.
I'm assuming that your shares worked ok when you started samba from the command line.
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