Networking :: Secure VNC?

Security in VNC
By default, VNC is not a secure protocol. While passwords are not sent in plain-text (as in telnet), brute-force cracking could prove successful if both the encryption key and encoded password are sniffed from a network. For this reason it is recommended that a password of at least 8 characters is used.

Is DSL's VNC server software secure (data sent encrypted)?

I'd like to have secure one...

"For this reason it is recommended that a password of at least 8 characters is used."

Use more than 8 characters. It proably also depends on how you set it up on both the server and the client. It is encrypted and when you connect you get a key thats protected by your password, so i guess you can say it's only as good as your password.

Ok. Thanks. =)

I think I'm going to use VNC server suplied by MyDSL then. =)

No, VNC is not secure. If you want security you need X forwarding over ssh.
Or VNC forwarding over SSH
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