Networking :: Airlink 101 Wireless woes

Hi everyone!

New to Linux here (but a software developer) - so I'm not a total newb  :)

I have successfully booted DSL onto a DELL Latitude CPi 233 - 128 mb of RAM...

I have an Airlink 101 wireless card (model: AWLC4030-II) which does power on and is identified as:

"Atheros Communications, Inc.", "AR5001-0000-0000"

I have done everything I know to get it to work - so please help!

I have run through iwconfig and tried many things:
- sid in quotes, not in quoets
- wep with ":" seperating the 128bit encryption key and tried without the quotes

Nothing works.  I keep getting "Connection Failed" and then the box disappears (that is very frutrating as well - I have to keep entering the wep key everytime)...

Can someone enlighten me on what to do?  The only thing I need the laptop to do is be a web browser! lol

Thanks in advance!


I use that very pcmcia card with ndiswrapper and it works well for me. I use the AirLink101/AWLC4030/net5211.inf as supplied by Airlink
Hey roberts!

Thx for the reply...

Can you please walk me thru getting it setup...?  Baby-step me here...VERY appreciated if you could...



pkill pump
mount /mnt/hda1
ndiswrapper -i /mnt/hda1/Program\ Files/Airlink101/AWLC4030/net5211.inf
sleep 1
modprobe ndiswrapper
sleep 3
iwconfig wlan0 essid my_network_name
iwconfig wlan0 key xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx essid my_network_name
pump -i wlan0

This is a script that I call
Edit it for your specs.
I am using the actual Windows installed Airlink files on hda1
Test run it from home dir with


If it works for you and you want it to always run at boot time then add to /opt/


As a side note...
That card works natively with DSL-N
Just be sure to boot nodhcp
The card appears as eth0 and iwconfig commands work fine.
No ndiswrapper required.

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