Networking :: woe is my wireless conx! - belkin f5d6020

Thanks for replying...  As for the WEP key, no, we don't use one for our router.  If there are other commands I can issue that will help troubleshoot this, just say the word.  I'm not sure that I properly configured everything through the control panel, so if it looks like I've made a basic configuration mistake, I probably have...  Any help or pointers there would be appreciated!  Apart from that, there's of course still the issue that I can't actually boot the computer with my wifi card inserted, because it hangs with that eth0 msg (I'm assuming that's a config problem beyond the control panel, no?).  Thanks guys for helping out with this.
Make sure you boot with nodhcp as this will cause a hang because pump is trying to fetch an ip for eth0 before you ready, e.g, sid etc.

Or if you forget to use nodhcp then as root
# pkill pump

This will free up eth0 and allow you to set wireless parameters and then when you are ready

# pump -i eth0

wow, thanks so much!  the kernel boot option "nodhcp" solves the first problem of the eth0 error that hangs the system at startup.  i put that in my grub menu.lst so that's done.

unfortunately, "pump -i eth0" returned with "Operation failed."  Any other suggestions?  thanks again!

original here.