I've set up a wyse terminal as a DSL box (using the info provided from linked pages here that I don't recall at the moment) booting from a usb stick.
Problem is, during boot up, even with nodhcp in the menu.lst file, it still reports that it is getting dhcp. in my boot messages: Scanning for Harddisk partitions and creating /etc/fstab... Done. Network device eth0 detected, DHCP broadcasting for IP. (Backgrounding)
then it uses my bootlocal.sh info to change the card info as requested. but it must be using the info retrieved from the initial dhcp request as to when to renew, and then it renews at some point, but it gets a IP address in our DHCP range, not keeping the static address.
Where should I look to stop this from happening. I'm trying to use this machine to process snmp trap messages, and it doesn't work well when it changes its IP address.Odd. nodhcp boot option works for me. Are you using any other boot options that might possibly be conflicting? I guess, what is your kernel boot line?
As a workaround, try:
Code Sample
killall pump
after you boot, and before you assign a new address. pump is responsible for giving you a dynamic address. No pump, no dynamic address.my kernel line in menu.lst is: kernel /boot/linux24 root-/dev/dha2 quiet vga=normal noacpi noapm nodma noscsi nodhcp frugal 2
and in bootlocal I have the following eth0 info: ifdown eth0 ifconfig eth0 x.x.x.x netmask route add default gw x.x.x.x echo search domain.com > /etc/resolv.conf echo domain domain.com >> /etc/resolv.conf echo name server x.x.x.x y.y.y.y z.z.z.z >> /etc/resolv.conf ifup eth0
I also have these settings in /etc/network/interfaces auto lo eth0 iface lo inet loopback eth0 auto iface eth0 inet static address, etc...
I did see that pump was running, I've killed it as suggested. Will it work to also put that command in bootlocal.sh?
Quote (lxzndr @ Nov. 10 2006,12:58)
Will it work to also put that command in bootlocal.sh?
I think so. Try it. The best place to execute killall pump is before you assign a new address.
Maybe nodhcp boot option doesn't work in frugal install.It held its IP address all weekend, so far so good. and killall pump appears to work just fine in bootlocal.sh
Thanks, i think it will now work as desired since we shouldn't have any dchp renewal going on now.Next Page...
original here.