Networking :: . linux-wlan driver

Ok, so i got another n00by question. I have an old Siemens SpeedStream PCMCIA network card on my old laptop. I found a site (I forget where) that said I needed the Linux-wlan driver. So how do you install that (or any) driver on DSL?
Well, I got the driver onto my USB drive, and ran
Code Sample
sudo ./configure
It executed fine, asking me what I wanted to build. Then I got the following error
Code Sample
Linux Source Tree /lib/modules/2.4.26/build is incomplete or missing!
I think it wants the kernel source, how exactly do I install that?

You are not going to get a development environment in a 50MB distro. You can download extenions to do this.
However, you maybe in luck. From this site you might use the Prism2 GUI from the DSLpanel.
Note, if you are using WEP enter as colon separated pairs, i.e., 99:99:99...

Also, using ndiswrapper with the appropriate Windows drives would be easier than compiling drivers. But try the Prism2 GUI first.

Well, I tried the prism2 gui with the colons and it didn't help, I tried wlan0, wlan1, pcmcia0, and pcmcia1, nothing worked. I downloaded the windows driver, and it has 3 sys files, 1 inf file, and 4 bin files. The tutorial I found for ndiswrapper only used 2 files. I guess i'll just try trial and error.

original here.