Networking :: Linux Newbie: How to access shared folder?

I am a Linux newbie and a DSL newbie.
I have Mac in my network as well and I wonder how I get in to the shared folder on my Mac.
Is network managed through the terminal on DSL or are there any app for network management?
Second of all how do I make a shared folder on DSL, to share over my network?

Many thanks in advance!


I haven't used a mac in a long time, but macs and windows network together, so I assume they use the same protocol.

The program you want is samba. There are both a server and a client. To connect to your mac, you need the client, which is already included with DSL. To share a folder, you need the server. There is an extension for the samba server in the myDSL extension repository. samba.dsl or samba.unc.

To connect to mac:

1) boot up DSL.
2) open xterm
Code Sample
$smbclient  //  -U  username%password

Replace with the ip address of your mac. Replace Shared with the name of your network share. Replace username and password with username and password of your account on the mac. This might not be necessary, depending on how your shared folder is set up.

Hopefully that worked.

If you're not sure about the share name on your mac, try this:
Code Sample
$smbclient  -L

Setting up a server is slightly more complicated. The first step is installing samba from extension. Setup is explained at

... I tried both:
$smbclient  -L
$smbclient  //  -U  username%password

but it ends up with:
creating lame upcase table
creating lame lowcase table
timeout connecting to
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE

I have set the Windows sharing active on my Mac.

Any suggestions?


It might be easier to load samba.dsl and then use the graphical interface to connect to shared folders - this works for me with a variety of Windows machines and a network HD
Thanks for all the help!
A aplied ftp-access on my Mac and used axyFTP and it worked like a dream.


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