Networking :: newbie cant get online

I'm running dsl from a usb pen drive on an older ibm thinkpad (with a dead hard drive) using a linksys wpc11v4.  My home wireless network uses a very long password which I think means it is WPA security.

I downloaded the windows xp drivers for the linksys and think I have ndiswrapper working correctly but havent ever used it before so I'm not sure. at the command line, as root, I ran:
# ndiswrapper -i net8180.inf
# modprobe ndiswrapper

ndiswrapper -l shows the driver installed & hardware present.
dmesg | grep ndiswrapper seems to show that everything is correct and working on wlan0.

I've tried a bunch of different things next, through the control panel & wpa_password/supplicant but really I dont know what the next step would be or if the steps above are correct.  If anyone could offer some guidance or suggestions or links, I'd be incredibly appreciative.

Create /home/dsl/wpa_supplicant.conf

Then as root ...

ndiswrapper -i NET8180.INF
ndiswrapper -l
modprobe ndiswrapper
iwlist wlan0 scan
iwconfig wlan0 essid your_essid_here
wpa_supplicant -Bdd -Dndiswrapper -i wlan0 -c /home/dsl/wpa_supplicant.conf
pump -i wlan0

This works for me.
Good Luck.

If your password is hex digits, numbers and letters A-F then you are using WEP

Let us know.

thank you for the reply roberts.

i followed your directions step by step and there didnt seem to be any problems, however after pump -i wlan0, i get
Operation failed.

the only time i got any response that seemed possibly untoward was iwlist wlan0 scan, which returned:
Warning: driver for device wlan0 recommend version 18 of Wireless Extension, but has been compiled with version 16, therefore some driver features may not be available...

before displaying the info about my network.  do you think that could be the problem?

If you got a list back from iwlist then it is a password/encryption problem.
You really need to know if you are using WPA or WEP

great to narrow it down.

my password is not hex (and my lanlord is a extremely security minded professional sys admin) so I'm pretty sure I'm using WPA

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