Networking :: DHCP clients

Hi, on this computer the /cdrom/boot/grub/menu.lst has
a line as below:

kernel /boot/linux24 root=/dev/hda2 fromhd=/dev/hda2
quiet vga=normal noacpi noapm nopmcia dma frugal
write desktop=jwm host=fourth restore=hdb2

This computer and another one are cabled to a Linksys
WRT54GL router.

When the other computer is running Windows 98SE and this
one is running DSL 3.3, I use a browser on the other
computer and look at a page called
"DHCP Active IP Table"

It says the Client Host Name for  _this_  computer  
(running DSL)  is "box" , at

Why is that?  One would think it'd be called   "fourth".

Try hostname=fourth instead.

original here.