Networking :: What need I to compile drivers

Thanks, but with ndiswapper it says every time that can't connect, even I give correctly the route to the inf file, the sid and the wep.

In a terminal, try lsmod to see if ndiswrapper loaded. It should whether you connect or not (because DSL 4 has that module). Then go through your settings again. Not all devices use wlan0, some use eth0 or ath0. Did you try those?

Quote (lucky13 @ Dec. 13 2007,13:16)
In a terminal, try lsmod to see if ndiswrapper loaded. It should whether you connect or not (because DSL 4 has that module). Then go through your settings again. Not all devices use wlan0, some use eth0 or ath0. Did you try those?

yes, I tried, like in the DSL book:

#ndiswrapper -i Dr71WU.inf
#ndiswrapper -l
installed and hardware present
#modprobe ndiswrapper
wlan0 bla, bla, bla

then I go to Control Panel - Ndiswrapper and put the information about inf file, sid  and wep and after a time says Connection failed

"So, it's gcc1-with-libs + gcc2.95 (so you will have the libs, make etc., but gcc will be 2.95)"

But there is no extension with gcc2.95 only the 3.3.4 and 3.3.5 in mydsl extensions (the gcc1-with-libs is the 3.3.4 version too)

Perhaps I have to googling

You may need to try other .inf + .sys drivers.  You can check the ndiswrapper list.  Or you might've needed to boot with nodhcp and manually invoke pump after.


There is, it may be under testing/

You can still use modules compiled with gcc-3.3, but it is generally considered better use the compiler that built the kernel.

Yes, perhaps I have to spend more time to make ndiswrapper to work with this dongle


And thanks, now I have found the gcc2.95 in the testing area, it was in one of the latest positions!!

I tell you later how goes with the results, it must work!

((And with this now I have my first 100))

original here.