Networking :: Wireless card found/not found

DSL gives me conflicting network info.

I am using Netgear MA401 v2.5 w/Orinoco chipset. I am running DSL on a Dell Latitude CPi. The card works in my other Dell CPi running CentOS 4.0

PC Card Control: sees it.
Netcardconfig: No supported network cards found.
wlcardconfig: No wireless card found.

iwconfig setup:
device: eth0
sid: (whats this. what do I input here?)
wep: (whats this. what do I input here?)

sid = essid = your wireless AP's name
wep = your Wired Equivalent Privacy key, if your wlan is encrypted

Quote (curaga @ July 10 2008,08:35)
sid = essid = your wireless AP's name
wep = your Wired Equivalent Privacy key, if your wlan is encrypted

wireless AP ? What does AP mean? Where do I find it?
Access Point, it's your router most likely. You can see all these in CentOS's network manager..thingy. Don't know, haven't used it :p

If not, iwconfig in centos should show you.

So anyway how do I get the card to work w/Damn Small Linux?
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