Networking :: I got WPA working

I'm a linux noob and struggled with DSL in general and WPA particularly.  All I wanted was Firefox, connecting to my WPA wireless network via a MN-720 ($20!).  Finally I got it figured out.  DSL brought life back to my old thinkpad (celeron 433).  Now my family has a convenient web station in the living room.

I'll outline my steps as other people seem to want WPA but no one has posted a HowTo yet.

* Get your wireless card working (lights on).  I'm using ndiswrapper.

* Download wpasupplicant_0.3.8-1_i386.deb
from  or just google "wpasupplicant .deb"

* Download dsl-dpkg.dsl and install to mydsl

* dpkg -i wpasupplicant_0.3.8-1_i386.deb
## It gives message "wpasupplicant: applet not found" but seems to be installed ok

* make a wpa_supplicant.conf in /etc with my AP's settings

* wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -d ndiswrapper

* netcardconfig to send dhcp broadcast.


Sounds awesome, have to try it!
Can you create a MyDSL extension for WPA supplicant and submit it to the repository?

Depending on the complexity of the Debian Package (.deb), you may be able to create a MyDSL extension by using the "deb2dsl" conversion script.

i wanna create a .dsl of the aircrack.deb but i dont know how... can you tellme???
(the aircrack.deb works fine in dsl, just need "dpkg -i aircrack.deb" and thats all, but i wanna do aircrack.dsl package for easy install)

In order to use deb2dsl, make sure that you boot up into a pristine DSL livecd environment.

Boot from the cd disk and type in the following commands:

dsl base norestore

Here is a PDF guide on the process.  In your situation, you would place the *.deb file in your home directory, IE: /home/dsl  and then use the dpkg -i command instead of the apt-get command, but you still need to "Enable APT" from the menu.  Otherwise it's pretty much by-the-book.

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