Laptops :: Satellite 4060XCDT won't start frugal at 1024x768

I seem to be up and running. The cheat codes were only part of the problem. I tried all sorts of cheat codes, but it wasn't till I added xsetup to the Grub file that I was able to select the frame-buffer server. It was not clear that I had to do that. I also added noagp. I have not tried to figure out whether that helped.

I am still a bit confused about where or whether I need to add dsl. So far, my kernel line reads "kernel /boot/linux24 root=/dev/hda1 quiet vga=791 xsetup noagp noacpi noapm noscsi frugal dma restore=hda3 home=hda3 opt=hda3 host=DSL-bob dsl mydsl=hda3"

I would still like to know why the install script cannot allow the laptop to boot the frame-buffer server as it does when I use "fb1024x768" when booting from the live CD.

All that aside, DSL runs well on this old laptop. Thanks for that.

original here.