Laptops :: Install correctly?
I recently perfomed a frugall installation and am enjoying exploring DSL. However, my monitor, keyborad and mouse settings always need to be confiqured before boot. I read something about an opt/boot file that I need to save this info in, but I don't have a full understanding.
Also, if I try to save or change my desktop, eg the wallpaper, it will go back to defaults on the next boot. I am wondering if I installed correctly or maybe the problem is that I need to switch to the DSl partition, instead of ram like the live cd would use. I am new to linux as you can tell. Any help is appreciated. Thank you! :-)
All you need to do is specify a backup location other than /tmp using the backup/restore button in the DSL control panel.
Read the getting started doc at DSL boot. It will give you information about how to backup and save your settings.
Thank you to those who responded to me yesturday. I have my laptop saving now, but I am still having trouble researching how to automatically set my monitor to 800x600 at the boot. I am still being prompted for this? Any thoughts? Thank you.
That information should be in your boot loader's second boot line. If you are using grub then that is found in /boot/grub/menu.lst
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