Laptops :: Compaq 7800&DSL 2.3.0 BEAUTiFL, noCDROM, noUSBbios

Compaq 7800/DSL 2.3.0 runs A1 & noCDROM, noUSBbios

I used bootfloppy2.1.img and 'install' command and was presented with install menu... and was able to cfdisk, mke2fs mkswap etc.... it was beautiful...

one thing I did do was reboot after each cfdisk write

also "l" source install rather than "p". I had only unzipeed the files to the USB.. hope this was right....

I been lurking so long I was abole to boucne straight into menu.lst and bust out me boot options with such ease ive almost forgotten the epic on an earlier install on same...

many thanks to the dev'prs...

my home set-up is now 6year old lappy Armada7800/128ram/DSLfrugal with big screen and a Desktop Cel1200/396ram/Debian stable with a little screen...

original here.