Laptops :: Compaq Presario 1800
Hi all,
I've installed DSL 0.7.1 on a Compaq Presario 1800 with 128 Mb ram and a 6 GB hard drive. This wasn't that easy as the machine didn't want to boot from CD. But I managed to burn the image to a floppy using rawwrite and then did the harddrive install. However, I'm not having any luck getting the touchpad to work. The cursor comes up on the screen, but the moment you move it gets locked to the bottom of the screen where I can see the 'point' moving around horizontally n response to the touchpad, but that's it. Does nyone know what I should set in XF86Config (or wherever) to get this working?
I have this same issue on one of my compaq laptops as well.
My temp solution is to use a serial mouse with it.
In DSL, there is not any XF86 , since it uses the XTiny/KDrive
xservers for X-window usage.
At this time, I have not found a solution to this.
Recently, at , some new files for
the synaptic touchpad were posted, but I'm not sure
they would be of any help to DSL, since they were for XF86.
Maybe this will help someone come up with a fix...
...near the bottom of the page....
Thanks for the reply. Hmmmmmm dsl doesn't use XF86Config, but I see one on /etc/X11 on my hardrive? Does the xtiny have a confiiguration file somewhere?
I haven't figured out how to use the touchpad yet. I booted up knoppix on the same laptop and the touchpad worked fine. I tried putting some configuration information from knoppix to the dsl laptop, but no help yet.
Hi all,
I've temporarily resolved this issue by reinstalling DSL and having it use a USB mouse, which is working very well. I find this much more comfortable to work with than a mouse anyway, but I'd still like to get the touchpad working for "road warrior" work. So, I'll keep working on this.
On another topic, anyone had any experience installing Python on a DSL system?
You can apt-get the python 2.3 from the debian mirrors.
Also, roberts had added to the repository the python base.
It is listed as 'python.tar.gz' , and can be added to the
'/' of your live cd, and will run upon bootup, or, placed in
the '/' of your HDInstall, and again, will load during bootup.
Another way is to rename it from .tar.gz to .tgz, and use
the mydsl button in emelfm to load it from desktop.
73 de Kent
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