Laptops :: USB 2.0 CardBus
Hi! I have a frugal instal (DSL 2.3) on an IBM Thinkpad 310ED.
I wanted to add USB ports to be able to use a newer printer (HP 5150) and access info from a USB Hard Drive (not thumbdrive - 40 gig Seagate drive in a USB enclosure)
Could someone point me to the steps I need to take to verify this CardBus is working and setting up printer and USB drive.
Thanks so much for all your help - I've become a DSL addict! LOL
I used cardmgr to see what it would come up with - it didn't even beep once, so I take that to mean this CardBus is not compatible with Linux.
oh well.....
Sometimes it is the older hardware that does not support cardbus.
I would try DSL 2.1b on older laptops if you want to try Cardbus. I had great success using a Cardbus wireless card on a Compaq 1530D and an HP 5700CT under this version whereas DSL 2.4 failed.
original here.