Laptops :: DSL crashes on my Armada E500. (Serious?)

I've noticed some strange acting on my computer while using DSL.
CPU fan is spinning all the time and doesn't spin faster when CPU usage goes up.

Now when I used a program that uses about 100% of CPU usage, DSL crashed. It took about an hour to happen.

I think this is kind of a serious bug because
a) CPU fan bearings will worn out (sorry my english ;)) faster. Especially because I use to keep my laptop on all the time.
b) overheating could do some serious damage. Overheating protection systems usually work but what if this occurs usually?

Hmm. It must be because no acpi support. I have to burn DSL 3...
This happens to me on my Armada M700 as well.  What I have to do is keep it well ventilated.  That means It's always sitting on a table of some sort and not the couch and I make sure nothing is underneath it.  That way it can run at 100% without any kind of issues at all.  Otherwise it will overheat and crash causing me to have to wait about 10 minutes before I can boot it back up.
Are you running DSL 3.x?
Good Morning..

 Just a thought.. I seem to remember that there is a cooling mat I saw on line somewhere that you set your laptop on top of.. ( non-electric) its on a gel pad of some sort that keep.s your laptop cool.  Look around.. there are possibilities to help :)

Peace !

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