Laptops :: APIC error on CPU0: 40(40)

Hello everybody!

On my old PC, DSL worked fine. But now I've got a Packard Bell Laptop and I need some help. When I boot from LiveCD (3.0.1), my system hangs after "Waiting for USB..." (or something like that). So I tried booting with "dsl nousb". With that options, DSL boots but displays maybe a thousand times "APIC error on CPU0: 40(40)". The regular lines between rush so fast over the screen that I hardly can see them. The same happens when I use "dsl nousb noapic". I also tried "dsl no usb noapic no[everything_else_concerning_hardware]". You may say, dsl boots, so everything is fine. But when I exit fluxbox, I can't see what I'm typing. So I would like not having that error. Maybe you have an idea!

Thanks in advance,

well, I found the solution here:
I have to boot with "dsl noapic nosmp"

Sorry for posting, I hadn't found this earlier because I just had searched for
"apic error" (no results),
'apic error' (no results),
apic error (too many results)

I think you wanted to search using
Code Sample
apic AND error

Searching for apic AND error is better than searching for apic error because it doesn't find posts containing just one of these words. But how can I search for a string (like "apic error") as it is possible in google?
It might be a limitation of the forum software, but I have not read the forum documentation.
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