Laptops :: Disk error on Thinkpad
I downloaded the iso file and succesfully tried on a laptop (booting from CD). Now I want it to run on an other laptop also a Thinkpad 600 but the E version ( Pentium II 300 with 128MB Ram)and now I get the following error:
<ISOLINUX 2.04 (Debian, 2003-06-06) isolinux: Disk error 0142B48B>
I only get this error when the harddrive is fitted. Without the harddrive it boots fine.
I tried different harddrives.
Runing the laptop with Windows 98 is OK and working good.
I am new to DSL and would like it to install it on the HD.
Does Someone know what this error means? I can not find anything about it on the internet.
I got this error last night as I was configuring a TP600---I had partitioned the HDD and made one partition bootable, but had not yet formatted or transferred the boot image.
(my situation was complicated in that I was finding it very difficult to see the screen do to some X weirdness at the time) my case the machine booted, found an MBR, and then...found no instructions to execute.
In BIOS, I reset the startup drives to boot from CD, let DSL boot and then ran the 'Install frugal (lilo)' script from the menus. It reboots automatically, you'll need to shutdown, make your HDD the first boot device BIOS again, and restart.
original here.