Laptops :: Belkin Wireless G Notebook Card

I have problems with iwconfig - something about wlan0 interface.  I think I have an irq problem.  Plus, I could never get synaptic to work - it would break X.

I would probably have better luck with a regular HD install?  If so, am waiting for a memory card adapter as I have no USB (old laptop) so I can backup my settings etc.

I feel like I'm so close, yet so far.



Same problems with RT61 card.  Using driver off the cdrom, ndiswrapper installs and I get "hardware present" so I thought it was looking good.

But I can't set the essid with iwconfig.  Most of the other settings work ok, key, mode etc., just can't get it to set essid.  Apparently it is known that it will not work with ndiswrapper at this stage.

RaLink has a native linux driver for RT61, if anyone can compile this and try it that would be great. I tried to but don't now enough about compiling to get it to work.


What's the exact error?. Also, you can use apt in the command-line instead of synaptic.

Regular (non-frugal) HD installs don't require for you to backup, but I recommend using a frugal installation.

Try starting with the gcc* packages in myDSL if you want to try compiling.


Finally got it to compile!  I followed the readme that comes with the source. I got down to the "make config" and it would give errors.  Finally found that I had to "dos2unix" the "Configure" file and then it works.

Now I can load the rt61.o module, but whenever I do anything with iwconfig or ifconfig it locks up the pc. Still trying...


original here.