Laptops :: DSL Kernel Panic & Failed Boot on P133/16mb Ram
I've encountered a new issue, the system itself now appears to boot okay, however when X starts the grey/white diagonal background appears with a mouse-cursor cross, it then flogs the cd drive for 20 minutes, then changes to a mouse-pointer cursor and then promptly stops flogging the cd drive and nothing futher happens...
Any ideas?
Like I have indicated earlier, you are on low resources.
Activate swap, and/or use lowram/'superlowram'
Hmms, that was with lowram... lemme try out the swap and/or superlow ram in the case.
Just tried "dsl mem=16m superlowram nopcmcia"
Still died...
I'm thinking it might be easier sell the laptop off for $50 on ebay and buy a $40 pentium 3-1ghz box :P
superlowram is not a cheat code, it's a series of codes, you'll find it in the wiki.
I've got X and everything else working on a P1-120 with 16mb of ram. Even the textmode is pain without swap...
Here's a step-by-step on how to create swap:
Boot super low text mode:
dsl 1 vga=normal atapicd noideraid nosound noapic noacpi acpi=off noscsi noapm nousb nopcmcia nofirewire noagp nomce mem=16M
using cfdisk make atleast a 64mb partition, change it's type to swap (I think it was 83 but the program lists them for you), write the partition table, exit. If the partition you just made is hda2, format it:
mkswap /dev/hda2
now reboot with the usual codes (maybe dsl lowram mem=16M) and it'll recognize and use the new swap partition.
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