Laptops :: Problems Installing Yahoo Messenger to Compy
Hello All!
I have a Legacy machine...emachines etower 366c. I also have 3 questions.
1. I have downloaded Ymessenger to my desktop. How do I get it to install? I have tried double clicking, I have tried the run option... nada.
2. How do I remove the extra software that came with DSL? I have 3 web browsers, 3 text editors, etc.
3. Is it possible to hook up my mac performa monitor to my emachines computer? (I have borrowed hubby's monitor and he wants it back!
1. What's that? Give a link, or tell what the file extension is (.something)
2. You can make a remaster to remove something from the core
3. No idea, does it have a vga connector?
original here.