Laptops :: Asus Eee PC Laptop
You'r e right! Major problem of the Picturebook - I'm typing on it right now - is the very limited amount of RAM
I really like the look of the new Elonex £100 Laptop. Ok it's got a very basic cpu.........I wonder if it will boot from USB rather than the rom..............I bet DSL would run a treat...........
blip: nice find
Detachable tablet ! wow!
Some sites mention a rubber keyboard, that could be a mistake.
Looks like this one
Clicking the next link there talks about the detachable keyboard being nothing more than a USB keyboard, thus, likely able to use any USB (full size) keyboard. Also a picture of the ports.
I'm posting from dillo running under DSLon my EeePC! - hard-wired, not wifi. The desktop stats say Linux on i686, (but filesytem shows UNIONFS/lib/modules/2.4.26). RAM Usage 81.8/1001M - 8%. I only had to build the atl2.ko module for the kernel, the rest is configuration.
I'm delirious because DSL & EeePC are a brilliant combination even w/o internet. (Ask me to explain why, if interested.)
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