Laptops :: IBM ThinkPad 701CS

The laptop refuses to boot off of the floppy you suggested.

I messed around a bit and found this laptop dual boots OS/2 AND Windows 3.1/DOS.

I found a 16bit LAN card in a box of old parts, and it won't recognize it. It does recognize my 6mb EEPROM PCMCIA card, although no other laptop I own does.

Tomsrtbt is a bit non-standard in that it's on a 1.72mb floppy. A bit of trimming would make it fit on a 1.44mb one, which is bootable on more drives.
Or you could search for other linux floppy distros with suitable networking support.

I found a driver for Windows 3.11 for my Addonics PCMCIA CD-ROM.

I just need a driver for Windows 2000 (what my ThinkPad 600E runs) for my 6mb PCMCIA flash disk so I can transfer the CD-ROM driver to the ThinkPad 701CS, as both the IBM OS and Windows 3.11 recognize and explore the flash disk.

That'll make is so I can do the poorman install of DSL.

Now to wait for the flash disk driver...

Why not boot DSL on your new laptop? It's quite possible for your pcmcia flash disk to be supported out of the box on DSL.
The way the IBM uses Windows is it emulates Windows 3.11.

There's no way to access my computer and explore the CD-ROM.

I'm stuck as I can't do a loadlin install and a poorman install is nearly impossible.


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