Laptops :: Toshiba 310 CDS hangs

So I put the CD in the drive, it boots, looks good, but everything locks up just after "Processor0 is mobile Pentium MMX 199Mhz" appears on screen.

Any ideas?

It's DSL 0.8.1,  on a CD I got from a Linux distibutor in the UK
The laptop has 200MHz processor, 32MB RAM, and 2.1GB hard drive

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When you boot from floppy hit the f2 key for the might have to tell it to not scan certain options such as aspi, or scsi or whatnot...


I have a 700CDT and had a similar problem.  Try booting with "dsl nopcmcia".  That worked for me.  Unfortunately, now you don't have any PC cards.

Solution was to go into the BIOS and change PCMCIA type from autoselect to Cardbus/16.  Now it boots just fine.  (Of course, I still have to tell it to use framebuffer.)

That's done it! (I thought I had already tried nopcmcia, but maybe that was the one option I hadn't tried)

Now the adventure really starts...

Thanks for your help

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