Laptops :: wireless with old Labtops?

I started with a Sitecom WL11v2 card, but that doesn't work under Linux (at least, not with my skillz  :D ). Therefore, I searched for a Compaq WL-110 second hand pcmcia card via Ebay and found it for about €12. This card was immediately found and after getting rid of the DHCP actions at boot (I use static IP's) the configuration was finally saved permanently. The connection is great and seems better than under W98se  :cool:
Welcome to the Revolution!!!


Also, if you happen to have a cardbus pcmcia card, then you should be able to use the handy ndiswrapper included in DSL 0.9.2 along with the card's vendor-supplied windows driver.  Mind you, I haven't tried it yet, but plan to.

original here.