Laptops :: Sound on thinkpad 770`
it it a p200 MMX with 196 megs of ram and 3.2 gigs HD. with crystil logic speakers that are not listed on the list. how do
i get drivers for them?
linster -
find the chipset of your soundcard and do a search of the forum. You could probably just search the forum for 'thinkpad' since there have been quite a few Thinkpad sound questions in the past.
Good luck
Try typing this from a root shell...
cd /lib/modules/2.4.22-xfs/kernel/drivers/sound <enter>
insmod uart401 <enter>
insmod cs4232 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0 mpuio=0x330 mpuirq=5" <enter>
You shouldn't see any errors when you type these lines..
If you do, start with removing any existing loaded drivers by typing
"rmmod soundcore" , then trying the insmod lines again.
If this works , place these lines in your /opt/ file
Make a backup.
Now, when you bootup, your sound will be already configured for you.
original here.