Laptops :: Sound on Dell Latitude L400

Hey dsl_fan,

I have the same problem EVERY time I load (to HDD) DSL. This is how I "fix"'s not "step-by-step" but it will get you going in the right direction.

Before I start I wanted to mention that I HAVE NOT looked at any of the searches that Kent posted. I have however received help AND this particular solution from this the answer is out there...

I normally like to install SYNAPTIC to add debian packages that are NOT included in DSL (I'm a GUI kinda guy). If you enable APT you can do the same from command line. Either way you have to get SNDCONFIG by either "apt-get install sndconfig" or via SYNAPTIC. Unfortunately DSL doesn't come with the latestest version (0.67)...maybe someday it will.

After it is downloaded/installed run the sndconfig command as ROOT (sudo su) and start it up by clicking OK.

It will try to auto-detect your sound card/chip and probably will tell you that there isn't one installed. Say OK and choose yours from the list. (I just checked it and the CS4281 is indeed there.)

Anyway, pick it and hit OK. You will get a screen that will allow you to change a bunch of settings you wouldn't normally mess with. Change one (UP, DWN, LFT RGHT arrows...but remember the way it WAS. I have to change DMA1 from 0 to 1) and hit enter/OK.

It will then say it wants to play a sound sample. Make sure your volume in the mixer is all the way UP (and you are listening closely). Hit enter/OK. It will play some lame "Hello, blah, blah, blah"

It will then ask if you heard it. If you did then you are DEALING! If not hit NO, put your previously changed setting BACK and change another. Repeat this process until you get sound. There are not THAT many settings so you should be able to figure it out rather quickly.

If this doesn't work then I would have to say you are screwed  (or just need to do more homework!).

Good luck and let us know how it went!


Don't give up the ship yet !!

I've been reading about alsa support on that chipset..
It also should work, no problem..

Things to check..

1. Did you bootup with alsa in your lilo.conf, and rerun lilo ( for HDInstall )
 ( or startup your liveCD with ' dsl alsa ' ?? )

2. what was your output when you ran the alsaconfig ?

3. Did you unmute your mixer ?

Let us know..


original here.