Laptops :: what EXACTLY do i have to download?

Usually, the First Optical Disk Drive (CDROM or DVDROM or CDRW drive) is used for your "boot from CD" purposes from your BIOS.

I always stick my DSL disk into the CDROM drive that looks like it was originally included with the computer purchase.

Reading these replies, read the info about file->burn image or whatever, that's the right advice.  If it still doesn't work, (which it should) then you are not booting from CD, go into your cmos setup (Probably F1 during initial bootup) and change the boot order.  You are NOT having the second problem, but the second problem is common, so after fixing the first one you may have the second one.
Make sure you are burning the disk image to the CD-- not copy and paste but rather "Take this disk image and make it into a CD" style option.

And your BIOS shouldn't need screwing with.  Most are set up to start up Floppy, then Optical drives, then HD.  Unless you changed something in the BIOS or you added/removed/changed your optical drive.

original here.