Laptops :: Toshiba satellite pro 425CDS issues
I have a Toshiba Satellite pro 425CDS, Pentium, and 16 megs of ram.
I read this thread,;st=0 , set up a swap partition, and tried using the Mem=16 option at the boot prompt, but after linux24 and minirt24 load (off the boot floppy) it freezes. It doesn't freeze if I dont include the line, but then I get the similar segmentation error as described in the above link. What is there to be done?
DSL version - 1.0.1
Thanks for your help.
Aww, c'mon, help me out here.:(
Did you use the correct syntax?
dsl mem=16M
Note the lowercase "mem" and the uppercase "M" at the end of the "16".
That's probably it, I didnt realize that case would matter.
original here.