Laptops :: Thinkpad 560z and Netgear WG511
I'm runnin DSL 1.0.1 on a thinkpad 560z (hd install). I'm trying to get my netgear WG511 cardbus wireless networking card working, without much success. I've tried using ndiswrapper with the latest netgear drivers, but when I do ndiswrapper -l it says "wg511 driver present, hardware NOT installed." However, the card is inserted, and cardctl config shows the card is in the slot. I have looked at the native linux drivers at, but they require recompiling the kernel. Any ideas why ndiswrapper isn't finding my card?
I think I might know why ndiswrapper is not working. Although cardmgr knows my pc card is there, DSL isn't loading it as a cardbus adapter. When I do lspci, the TI cardbus controller shows up, but the card itself never does. If lspci can't see my card, neither can ndiswrapper. Any ideas haw to fix this?
If you could take a quick look at this list of cards, and under netgear,
narrow down the list to the exact card you have, then we might
be able to walk you thru the ndiswrapper routine ..
( most of these were tested under a newer kernel )
I saw another post in the forums asking about the same type of card, without any solution listed..
When you run lsmod, do you see any prism drivers loaded ?
They may need to be unloaded first before attempting ndiswrapper..
The card that I have is the original wg511 (made in taiwan, NOT the newer watered-down china card).
I did see this post in the forum with a very similar problem to my own. The card he uses uses the same prism GT chipset as my own:;st=5
It looks like the solution was to mount sysfs, prior to sending the firmware to the card. This afternoon I'll try it on my laptop.
That card natively uses the prism54 module, which DSL doesn't have.
If you can track down the appropriate version of Knoppix (3.4-5.17.2004) you can get the module from there.
If I can find my knoppix CD, I'll upload the module somewhere later.
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