Laptops :: IBM Thinkpad 365xd


Its a cdrom drive in laptop .. not a cdr/w

seems only to read pressed discs (by coverdiscs I mean ones from magazines)

emm I managed to get morphix to boot from its floppy.img but its an old cover disc which is full of errors (stops halfway through)

DSL would be my choice as laptop has very low specs..

Will keep trying

Thanks again


This is not about the type of drive in your laptop.
This is about the type of media you burned the dsl.iso onto.

Your post reads..

Toms root boot ... tells me cdrom is at /dev/hdb

but will not mount dsl cdrw ....

If you DID burn the dsl.iso onto a piece of CDRW media, your cdrom drive
may not read it at all , as it may not be CDRW compatible.
Again, try a CDR DISC, and not a CDRW DISC, in your cdrom.

Also, many finicky cdrom drives need to see a CDR that is burned at
a speed of 2X or 4X , and NOT 48X or 52X ..


ok ok

I'll go buy some cdr's

I have been reading DSL docs 24mb of ram should allow me to get X running.....

hell if win95 runs DSL should ;-)

smart boot disc rocks!!!!

original here.