Laptops :: ThinkPad 770 and pcmcia boot

Bios is set to boot from pcmcia(it's first in list) and i have old 512Mb PCMCIA Ata Flash Card

I tryed all install options without any luck and i'm forced to boot from cd and use card for backup.

Is there any diffrences in installing to hd or cfcard exept device (hda vs hde) i tryed hd-install and frugall grub-install (lilo install don't allow hde). I allso tryed both usb-install options from menu.
Can someone post step by step instructions how installation should go?

Maybe i'm hitting my head against wall coz i found this:
It refers diffrent tp but dilemma is that when hdd in place it boots from pcmcia but hdd remowed it wont boot from pcmcia eighter.

But for now i want to be sure i do installation right

Can someone post step by step instructions how installation should go?

original here.