Laptops :: frugal_lite success for a noobiee!!!
Somehow I got my DSL to work,....using the frugal_lite
I cant believe I managed to get this far, this is from someone who does not know his "ass from his elbow" (a very britsh saying for someone who is thick/stupid) regarding Linux....
I just have a few post install questions:
When I do df -h I get:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/ram0 3.0M 607.0k 2.4M 20% /
/dev/hda2 493.8M 48.7M 419.6M 10% /cdrom
/dev/clopp 115.7M 115.7M 0 100% /KNOPPIX
/ramdisk 21.4M 652.9k 20.8M 3% /ramdisk
(I still have my Debian installed somewhere here as I am missing the other half of his disk)
to keep things simple I wanted just a single SWAP partition of 128MB and the rest I was happy to have for everything else, as I am happy to keep everything together.
Can someone please tell me I can do this? I was tempted to re-do my laptop but format the whole disk but then I was not sure what partitions to use and how...
Well I trashed the laptop and tried doing my best (yikes)
Anyway I thought I had creared a swap file using fdisk but when I boot into DSL the icons on the side seem to indicate there is no swap....
I have ended up with 4 partitions:
1 Linux Swap (128MB) /de/hda1
2 Linux (64MB) /dev/hda2
3 Linux (64MB) /dev/hda3
4 Linux (?? I tried allocate the rest) /dev/hda4
I am trying to configure frugal so it will runn off my HDD and not the floppy, also I need to set uo the swap file and clean the rest of my partitions. I used /dev/hda to store frugal lite, do I still need it??
Wow I have so many questions...apologies if I keep posting and annoying everyone
motokitn still trying to grok all these partitions... almost like when I installed...
parted.dsl is a command-line partition editor that work quite well for me. I used it to rescue several gigs of my storage drive, which my old mobo couldn't see but my new one does
Instead of running it from the menu I run it from a terminal with the command: parted /dev/hda
running it from the menu always gave me fits.
I recommend reading its man page first though, the commands aren't intuitive to a newcomer. I personally would combine to form two partitions, one swap and one system. I may be crazy for this, I don't know. It sounds like that might be what you have already. One thing about df though, it doesn't tell you anything about unmounted partitions. Hope it's all going good!
Using a combination of fdisk and cdisk I created the 3 partitions, the first one /dev/hda1 was for the iso image from the net (64MB), the second was 1 128MB swap file (/dev/hda2) and teh third /dev/hda3 for the initial bootfloppy.img. Now that I have created the floppy I used cdisk to drop /dev/hda3 and re-create a big parition (around 1Gb) to using much of the the unallocated space and left a small part (about 64MB /dev/hda4) to make it bootable and install frugal. I managed to work out how activate my swap file although as I have just 32MB ram my swap file almost running at maximum - I have not seen much difference to before (when I has an inactive swap file).
Is this a good set up to have? I only have 1.4Gb so was wondering if I should combine /dev/hda3 and /dev/hda4 as one partition and make the whole thing bootable??
Can anyone help me installing frugal onto my bootable partition so I do not have to keep going through the floppy each time !! I tried to do a wget to distro.ibiblio from DSL but I get a 500 error, following some threads I tried to edit /usr/sbin/frugal_sh with the correct pathnames etc but even as root as I not able to do this !
I will keep you posted on my adventures ! I may try booting with tom rtdsk as I was succefully getting wget to work.
No need to post so many times. See my answer to your last post.
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