Laptops :: Older Thinpad 765D Problems

Hello, hows everyone doing?

Leme start by saying im still very new to linux, and this will be my second attempt to install any version of linux. It also happens to be the second version of linux iv tryed to run on this system, the first being Ubuntu.

System Info:
IBM Thinkpad 765D
Pentium MMX 145MHz Proc
49Mb RAM (Yeah, odd number)
3COM Airconnect Wireless Card.

Alright, Well here's how my attempt generaly go's:
-Start computer, load SBM then boot DSL CD
-DSL Main Screen (boot:)<-Left the command line blank
-"You passed an undefined mode number.
 press <RETURN> to see video modes avalible, press <SPACE> or wait 30 second to continue" -Wait 30 seconds

The install continues without asking me anything else, but after abit it hits a screen that looks green, aqua and blue. Kinda like a varyation of to-high a resolution i see on older monitors and a desktop.

Any help? Maybe somthing i should try? Im going to try changing the resolution (clicking enter, as opposed to waiting 30 seconds)

Leme just add in at the end here that the computer will run Windows 98SE in 800x600/1024x768

Any help will be greatly appriciated.
Thanks in advance.

Boot like this:

dsl vga=normal

Then during the xsetup questions try various resolutions like 800x600 and lower color depth.

If that does not help try booting like this:


Notice no dsl in the above.
Also press f2 and also f3 at first boot prompt to see other boot options relating to video.

It's a well-known problem with NeoMagic video chipsets.

Use dsl vga=788 and Xfbdev from the live CD. Slow, but it's the best you can do without Xfree.

Install Xfree86 after you do a hdinstall (or whatever) and use the neomagic driver. Make sure you read the info file whrn you install.


Thanks for the replys guys!

Alright, i tryed what J.P. said and i got this message (after it asked me about the keyboard).

Loading /usr/share/keymaps/i836/qwerty/us.kmap.gz
xauth:  creating new authority file /home/dsl/.Xauthority
xauth:  creating new authority file /home/dsl/.Xauthority

modprobe: modprobe: Cant locate module fb0
XI0:  Fatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"
      after 0 requests (o known processed) with 0 events remaining.
dsl@ttyl[dsl]$ _ <--Command line

So any idea's?

Also, this laptop uses a little nub thing as the mouse, what should i enter as the mouse? Or is that somthing to guess/check after i get the GUI working?


The nub thing will be ps2... which is the second mouse question in xsetup.

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