Laptops :: Older Thinpad 765D Problems

Do you can an error like "Frame buffer mode not supported, press space to continue" or something like that at boot time?

If so, then you have tried an unsupported framebuffer mode and you will get the fb0 error later on in the boot process.

Try something like:

dsl vga=769

and see if it works.

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Alright well i never thought much of it but i guess ill add it here.

When i put in any code (any) i get this
les say i used this:
boot: dsl vga=769

loading linux 24.........................................
loading minirt24.gx.....................................
You passed an unidentified mode number.
press <RETURN> to see video modes available, <SPACE> to continue or wait 30 seconds.

Iv alaways press space at this point. Is this affecting my problem?

Well i suppose it doesent really matter either way now, because the floppy drive i was loading SBM off of now will not read the disks and ends up corupting them!
Your floppy drive heads are probably misaligned.

You may be able to get it to work if you format the disk using the bad drive itself to do the formatting.

Yes, this error message is your problem.  You cannot use the framebuffer xserver called Xfbdev unless you are using a valid framebuffer setting.

I would try all of the available choices for graphics modes (769 788 etc) and see if one works.

Otherwise, you will have problems using xwindows and will need to either use text mode only, or will need to upgrade your video card, or will need to somehow install XFree86.dsl from the command line (not a fun task, but possible).

If you want to run from the command line, you can boot with:

dsl 2 vga=normal

or maybe even:

lowram 2 vga=normal

original here.