Hi, All, I just used apt-get install to d/l icewm. Now, I want to add it to the menu as a window manager choice. The problem is, I've spent the last hour going through emelfm.bin trying to find ice, but it doesn't seem to be there anywhere(yes, I clicked 'show hidden'). Apt says it's there, but I can't find it. Any ideas?
SteveInstalled through apt (or any other typical package management system), a program is usually installed into /usr. Some programs relating to X, however, are installed into /usr/X11R6...i think this might be the case with icewm.
Try the command "which icewm-session" to find it."whereis" is a good command to keep in your pocket of tools, too.whereis did the trick! Found it in 2 places:
/usr/X11R6/bin/icewm /usr/bin/X11/icewm
Now: When I edit the .fluxbox menu to add icewm, how do I set up the line? I tried just copying the Switch to jwm line:
[submenu] (WindowManager) {} [exit] (Exit) [reconfig] (Reconfigure) [restart] (Restart){} [exec] (Switch to jwm){switcher.lua} [exec] (Switch to icewm){switcher.lua}
But when I clicked Switch to icewm in the menu, it switched to jwm. Instead of putting {switcher.lua} on ice, should I instead put its location (one of the /usr/bins)?
Thanks for all the help, guys!
SteveThe switcher app only switches between jwm and fluxbox. To switch from fluxbox to icewm do this instead:
Code Sample
[restart] (Switch to icewm) {icewm}
The part in {brackets} might need to say "icewm-session" if icewm starts without a panel.Next Page...
original here.